Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ !
PRAISE THE LORD! Indeed it is joyous news to learn that St. John’s Church will be launching its website for the very first time.
Welive in a globalized world and people are connected through information Technology. Thanks to the World Wide Web (internet). I think that St. John’s Church (being the first Cathedral) is not just a place of solemn worship, but is a very historically significant tourist location that tells of the early beginnings of the Church in Kolkata. There is a treasure of history and heritage that is of priceless value. Hence, the story needs to be told so that people will be blessed.
I believe today’s modern world there is no greater medium than a website to tell the story of an amazing journey of faith as well as to communicate the Good News to the World.
Well done! Congratulations.
With prayers and blessings,

The Rt. Revd. Dr. Paritosh Canning
Bishop of Calcutta,Diocese of Calcutta, CNI